Kind of quiet on the thrifting front this week. With the holiday, there are no sales worth the early morning wake ups or the gas. Maddie and I have been to the thrift stores a few times this week but have mainly only been hunting for warmer weather clothing. I'm pretty sure you all would rather not see boring old clothes!
So, onto my Easter decorations!
My dining room table centerpiece. That old jar of M & M's used to be a lot fuller.
Full shot of my living room table display
Some close-ups of all of my treasures. The Biestle bunny was a gift from Sister, as was the Lefton egg in the photo above it.
Even the fireplace got in on the action
My entryway table
Some more close-ups
And a little Biestle bunny hiding in a nook. Sister found this same bunny at her Goodwill a few weeks ago and wouldn't let me have it (the nerve!). I was happy to find my own at SVDP last week.
My vintage Easter collection has come a long way since last year. If memory serves me right, I only had enough to decorate the living room table. Yay!
A special thanks to Miss Maddie for letting me raid her Golden Book and bunny figurine collections.
The three of us girls got up bright and early Sunday morning and after a yummy breakfast at our hotel, we headed down I5 toward my house.
It was kind of a pain because Sister and I were driving separate cars so we decided to have her park off of the exits we were taking and hop into my car. When the Thrifter Sisters thrift, we have to stay together!
Alex was pretty excited when I told him I found another souvenir glass for my collection. Why would a 16 year old boy be excited for a vintage glass? It's from Oklahoma, the home of his favorite college football team. Yes, I know. We are from Oregon. We are not Duck fans. I actually love the faded out condition of this tin. It's perfect to hold clothespins outside. The pet food jars were from a recycle store. We went in looking for a faucet and came out with these jars instead. Talk about random.
I see these old thermoses quite a bit but have never picked any up because I haven't come across any that I liked. This one is perfect for my 4th of July decorating. The crazy little planter is the second one I have thrifted as is the egg tin.
When thrifting. I almost always find clothes for either myself or Miss Maddie. I just never share them because this blog is about vintage thrifting! But I am making this exception. I couldn't pass up this handmade little boy's western shirt. It is going straight into my Baby Box For Sisters Future Baby after it gets washed. Boy or girl, this is getting worn!
Just what I needed! Another Butterprint Serve & Store casserole dish! I am not being sarcastic. You cannot have too many of these. The Fire King bowl was a mess but cleaned up nicely. I have seen it at this particular thrift for the past few weeks but have passed it up because it was a little pricey. The tag was finally the right color for 50% off.
There is a certain Goodwill in a town off of the I5 corridor that always, and I mean always, has vintage glassware. Every single time I go, I find at least one piece. Well on Sunday, I found 6 pieces. My favorite is the turquoise instrument glass. I have nothing like it. My second favorite is the tall tumbler next to it. I love my vintage glasses but they are a little small to hold a proper Vodka & Lemonade. This will do the trick!
I am pretty sure that none of these items are old but something about the cherry coffee cup caught my eye. Maybe the vibrant colors? The eggs are a little Beatrix Potter-ish and they look pretty dang cute with the rest of my decorations.
We made one stop at an antique mall on our way home. Maddie found the Cappy book. I have never seen this book before and all of the photos of Cappy are fuzzy. It's so cute! She also collects these weird little mama and baby figurines. I think they are kind of creepy but she loves them. And tell me that you could pass up this cheerful little chick planter. Just look at that smile!
There was a whole display case full of these plastic candy holders by the register at the antique mall. I had to grab a few.
So this particular antique mall is my most favorite that I have ever been to and believe me, I have been to a lot! It's only 45 minutes from my house and I try and visit a couple of times a year. Want to know why? Not only is it huge and full of all of the vintage things that I love to collect, it has the largest selection of Pyrex that I have EVER seen! Every other booth has Pyrex in it and some are only Pyrex! Enough said. So what kind of Pyrex Thrifter Sister would I be if I didn't come home with at least one piece?
Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful? Sorry, whenever I look at her, that Stevie Wonder tune starts playing in my head. This is the Pink Stripe 402. I have the 401 so now all I need is the 403 and I'll have the whole set. Wish me luck. I will need it. In a couple of weeks, this store will have their annual customer appreciation sale where every booth is 10-40% off. I could have waited to buy this but I know from past experience, this particular seller puts her booth at the lowest percentage off that she has to, 10%. Plus, I'm sure this beauty would have been gone by then. Oh the nightmares I would have had! So that's all this Thrifter Sister picked up. But I can tell you that Hanna got some great stuff too. I'm sure she will be sharing it all with you soon.
What a super fun weekend we had. On Saturday, Maddie, Hanna & I met up with Laurie for lunch then for a studio/home tour. All I can tell you is that it was everything we had imagined and more. Laurie does such an amazing job of sharing her whimsical life with all of us through Magpie Ethel that it was just like stepping into the pages of her blog itself. Thanks again, Laurie for spending the afternoon with us!
Then it was off to a Monticello Antique Marketplace and a ReStore type of store before we headed out to get Plucky with the rest of the Maidens.
At Monticello, Sister & I enjoyed some Mimosa's while we browsed. Alcohol and antiques may not seem like the best combination but I promise we were careful! I got some more candy holders while Miss Maddie bought a giant jar of buttons. She has been so busy sorting them that I never got a chance to take a photo. The jar was full of beautiful colored buttons. Reds, oranges, purples, blues, and pinks. Not a black, white, or brown in the bunch! I swear there has to be some Bakelite mixed in there. Plus, she spent her report card money on them. That girl is after my vintage heart.
You know that you are headed into a good show when the booth in the lobby of Plucky Maidens is full of Pyrex. I bought the turquoise 501 before I even stepped in the door of the main show. The bunny planter and Hazel Atlas monkey shot glass were bought moments later.
I have been eyeballing these tote bags made out of vintage tablecloths for quite a while on Etsy but I have never found one that was big enough. There were a couple of booths that had them so the only problem I had was picking a pattern!
Since I have such a large collection of vintage tablecloths, something has to be pretty unique to catch my eye. Both of these prints were like nothing I had so I knew they were coming home with me.
The Plucky Maidens show is in a pretty small and intimate setting but boy do they cram the goods in there! I am sure you are pretty surprised that this is all I walked out with. But Maddie, Hanna & I were spending the night in Portland then planning on thrifting our way back down I5 on the way to my house so I had to save my pennies!
Stay tuned for next time when I share all of that thrifting madness with you. Let me tell you, it was a long day but full of treasures.
So I am going to tell you all something that may make you decide that you don't like the Thrifter Sisters very much. You will all be so green with envy you won't be able to stand it. Ready?
This Saturday, Maddie, Hanna, & I are all headed to Portland for the Plucky Maidens Spring Fling Junk Fest. Hanna missed out when Maddie and I went to the Christmas show so she is pretty excited to get to go to this one. We are all staying at a fancy hotel and having a fun girls weekend.
But that is not what will make you hate us.
Before the show on Saturday, we are meeting the one and only Laurie of Magpie Ethel fame for lunch and a tour of her fabulous studio that we have all gone gaga over on her fabulous blog. Maddie and I got to meet Laurie at the last Plucky show and have kept in touch ever since. We are all so excited to get together.
So if you haven't slammed your computer shut with jealousy, thanks for sticking around! Your reward? Some wonderful recent thrifting finds, of course!
This is one of the photos that I never got around to showing all of you from last Summer's garage sale season. I remember this sale very clearly only because it was in a super tiny 2 story condo that was only 1000 square feet total! They let everyone in at once and every single woman in line ran to the kitchen, me included. I managed to snag the juice glass and that's about it. There was no Pyrex so I thought I'd check back later. I headed outside where the sign said the "tools" were and found the bunny planter and box of staples for my 4th of July decorating. I did one more walk through of the kitchen and that's where I found the pink lidded jar marked HA for Hazel Atlas! How could all those ladies miss this?! Maybe the screws distracted them from its beauty. It now sits on my bathroom counter minus the screws. Call me crazy but it is one of my favorite finds of the Summer.
Goodwill had all their "Fashion Jewelry" marked 50% off last week. It took some digging but I managed to unearth some amazing vintage necklaces!
My newest obsessions are vintage sheets and pillowcases! I have a king size bed so the sheets don't ever fit but that doesn't stop me from buying them. I've been scrolling through Pinterest and have found some amazing projects to do with them. I gave Sister one and she made me some awesome pillow covers.
Isn't she so talented? Believe me, I am going to be keeping her busy making me things this Summer! I hope you all don't mind seeing lots of photos in the future of my latest obsession. I seem to have no trouble finding these beautiful linens at the thrifts and sales.
Remember a few weeks ago when I went with Brian to Vancouver because he had to take a class? I was so excited to thrift in a new area. I was sadly disappointed. The prices up North are CRAZY!! I did not buy a single thing from any of the thrift stores I went to. I am seriously spoiled in my little corner of the Pacific Northwest. Here, Starbucks coffee mugs still go for 49 cents at SVDP and Goodwill. Up in Portland and Vancouver, they are $2.99!. So I figured that since I was seeing antique mall prices, maybe I should be in an actual antique mall. So off to Stars & Monticello I went.
Yay! 5 new mica birds. Don't they all look like they are singing you a tune?
The egg actually came from my local Goodwill. The Golden Egg Book was found in Portland for Miss Maddie.
I had to buy this Easter basket not only because it reminded me of the one that I had at my Grandma Gloria's house when I was little but because it came filled with the honeycomb eggs.
I very rarely find any vintage Easter at the sales around here so when the antique mall sellers put it out in the Spring, I try to pick it up. I love these little plastic candy holders. My collection of them is slowly growing. I will show you all some pictures next week.
It's getting late, blog friends. Time to round up the animals and the kids and get them into bed. I'm not even going to try to pry Alex away from March Madness so I'll just have to corral Maddie.
I'm actually sitting at Sister's kitchen table in Astoria right now as I write this blog. Miss Maddie, Bullet, and I headed here for the weekend while Brian & Alex are in Las Vegas for the Pac-12 Basketball Tournament. Normally, I would be really jealous that they were in Vegas without me but I'm with my Sister which is where I'd much rather be!
We had a long day of thrifting. I didn't get too much but Sister went a little wild. I'm sure she will be sharing all of her treasures with you soon. But for now, I am going to show you all of my fabulous holiday finds from "An Estate Sale To Remember".
Vintage Valentines in a 50 cent grab bag.
Holiday die- cuts for a dime apiece.
The two top honeycombs were a quarter apiece and the gaggle of turkeys were in the original packaging for 50 cents.
This is a reproduction but I have an original paper mache pumpkin that this will look really good with.
So what do you do when you find 5 Empire candy buckets for 50 cents apiece? You buy them all obviously!
50 cent Halloween grab bag
I bought this book because it was from the year I was born, 1976.
I bought this bag of Easter stuff just to get the Millinery flower egg.
I'm not really sure if this pillow is old or a reproduction but I still had to have it.
Old squeaky toys for a quarter apiece. Maddie thinks they are dog toys. You be the judge!
These old plastic candy containers look like they could use some Magpie Ethel Magic!
Gurley candles in a 50 cent grab bag. Does anyone know the age of the flat snowmen? They are marked Gurley but I have never seen them before.
Love this bag of bells, especially the old pink one.
This random bag of ornaments was 50 cents and good for wreath making.
I remember when I was decorating my tree last year and I was hanging my lone pine cone ornament I was thinking I needed to find more. I think these will do the job!
I found a random bag of birds. I LOVE the glittery goose.
No vintage holiday haul is complete without a couple of spun heads in glittery slippers!
I actually picked up a bag of these carolers and bells at SVDP last holiday season. I was happy to find more to add to the bunch.
I really don't remember picking these up but they ended up in my bag. I remember my Grandma Gloria used to have the bubble lights on her tree. Now they are considered a major fire hazard!
These old stockings have the original Woolworths price tags on them! I think the tags say 5 cents apiece. I paid a dime apiece.
I got all of this stuff in another 50 cent grab bag. I am pretty sure that I will never come across these kind of prices again.
4 packages of NOS sequins for crafting.
Who am I to pass up Golden Books, especially when they are a dime apiece?
I am so loving this bird feeder. What an amazing way to repurpose vintage dishes! The top part is a snack sever tray, then a canning jar, then a chicken feeder, then a dessert dish. Add a cute little Pixie on the top and you are good to go! Sister and I have big plans to try and make our own this Summer.
Wow, this post is definitely the most picture heavy post that I have ever done. I hope you all enjoyed it!