Happy Friday!
No sales this morning for Maddie and I to head out to. Let me rephrase that.....no sales worth the constant downpour of Summer rain and humidity that we are dealing with right now. The boys are getting ready to go camping so I figure I should stick around and help them get out of the house faster. There are a few Saturday sales on my list though that look promising so I don't think the weekend will be a total loss.
A couple of weeks ago, Brian and I headed South to a farm owned by a super nice man and his wife who are originally from Kansas called Riversdale Valley Farm. Twice a year, the husband drives back to Kansas an attends auctions and estate sales along with bringing things back from his family's 100+ year old farmhouse. A lot of the things he brings back are for his personal collection but some of it is for sale.
Just about everything that I wanted was not for sale. Typical, huh?
Aren't the graphics on this chicken feeder the best? Not for sale. Even though he had it hidden in the greenhouse. I told him he needed to display it with all of his other not for sale feeders.
Which feeders you ask?
These feeders. Along with tons of old coolers. Also, what I always thought were tractor seats are not actually tractor seats. They are buggy seats from old wagons. I wasn't really listening to the way to tell the difference though. All I kept hearing was "not for sale".
I'm all about repurposing things into planters. Or telling Brian how to do it.
I wanted this grocery store sign so bad. You guessed it....NFS. I even tried to convince him that my last name was Kiers (it's not). He didn't buy it.
I'm guessing this man was put on this earth to torture me.
I even tried to work up a tear or two to get him to sell me this. I explained to him that I had a sister so this sign definitely belonged with me. Logical, right?
Okay, enough feeling sorry for myself. Want to see the things that he was willing to part with and that came home with me?
I see some planters in Brian's future.
Pink chairs!!
I have had this canister set pinned on Pinterest for quite a while. I was happy to find two but they are a little rusty for in the house so they are out on the patio on my bar cart with all my other pretty and rusty things.
I have had my eye on this GE clock at a local antique mall but they want $70 for it! I'll took my chances and paid $2 for this one. It needs a new cord and possible a new clock mechanism but its aqua! Who cares if it works?! The coffee jar fits in nicely with my 4th of July decorations.
So even though I didn't get to bring home half of what I would have liked too, I still had a blast. There was so much eye candy and the owners were so super friendly to talk to. Plus, everything had a story. Again, most of which I didn't hear because the words "not for sale" were constantly ringing in my head.
I've been promised a phone call when they get back from their September trip back to Kansas. I can't wait!
Linking up with Melissa's Antiques for Thrifty Things Friday, The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe, How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday, and Jann Olson for SYC Thursday.
Have a great weekend!
Welcome To

Friday, June 27, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Some Happy Finds
The month of June has been a crazy one for us. First with Alex's graduation and party along with my birthday on the same day, followed by Maddie's 12th birthday, and then yesterday Alex's 18th birthday. I can tell you this. I have never been more excited for a month to be almost over. I would like to say that I am done with parties for a while but that would be a lie. The 4th of July is fast approaching and rumor has it, Hanna & Matt will be visiting. We haven't been together for the 4th in a long time. A party is definitely in order!
I did make it to some sales on Friday but haven't had a chance to photograph anything yet. This post will show you some things that I have picked up here and there over the last couple of weeks. Hope you enjoy!
Hanna brought me all of these goodies one of the last times she visited. She has had the Pyrex Laurel plate for a long time and finally decided to pass it on to me. I may have to return the favor with a certain something of mine that I know she really wants (no Hanna, not Brewski).
Last week, I found this book at the thrift. Just in time for the 4th of July!
This Daisy 045 with lid has been on my list for a super long time. I was so excited to bring it home and at an amazing price!
Another IG repost. I had been looking for something to hang keys from and these fit the bill perfectly. I only needed one but couldn't decide which one I liked best. We hung one in the laundry room and Brian is going to hang the other on the back patio to hang grill tools off of. I guess he is tired of having to replace the grill brush every other week because the dogs chew it up.
Lastly, some pretty thrifted vintage drinking glasses that I absolutely did not need. But for a quarter apiece I couldn't stand leaving them.
Linking up with Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus and Melissa's Antiques for Thrifty Things Friday.
Have an awesome day!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Farmhouse Estate Sale
Last Friday, there was only one sale that looked promising in my area. When I got there, an hour and a half early, I found that I wasn't the only person that realized this. #38 on the list! Unfortunately, there were no photos with the ad so I wasn't sure if there was anything worth waiting for. But I didn't have anyplace else to be so I waited.
They opened promptly at 9 and let the first 20 people in. You saw that I was #38 right? Torture. Absolute torture.
Eventually I made it in the door. Longest 12 minutes of my life. Yes, I was timing it.
How awesome is the shelf? It was sitting on a table directly inside the door when I walked it. It never ceases to amaze me what the dealers and resellers don't buy. This was a family run sale and the prices were dirt cheap. Case in point? This was $2. I haven't decided what I am going to display on it right now but during Christmas you can guarantee it will hold all of my vintage tape dispensers.
I have never seen these candle holders with the swimmer holder. Cute, huh?
NOS vintage sheets cheaper than the original price!
Cute and springy vintage sheet for my collection.
Funny Hunter's Crying Towel. I love the bottom graphic with the naked lady that says "I distinctly heard you say - let's go hunting bare!".
Not my usual pink and aqua but for $1 each, I'll take them!
I think that even I am capable of stuffing this old flour stack and making a pillow.
Just in time for Summer, this amazing Thermos! And now I have three of these pretty quilted jars with the pink floral lids. Another official collection!
Old maps out of the free box. Love the Idaho one. My grandpa was in the Navy so it reminds me of him.
A new Josef girl. She's October and surprisingly, Maddie didn't already have her. My aunt was at the sale too and picked up this spaghetti Christmas girl for Maddie as well. She got in to the sale way before me and it was super sweet that she thought of her.
I love the aqua color of this California pottery planter. And I finally got myself my own white deer! The last one I found I had to give to Hanna of course.
Love the graphics on the covers of these old cookbooks. Also love the quarter apiece price.
One of the cookbooks had some old handwritten recipes as well as newspaper cutouts with recipes from 1956. Meatloaf frosting anyone?
I have zero business buying anymore vintage Christmas ornaments. I am up to my ears in Shiny Brites. They have literally taken over my shed.
All of this goodness from one sale! I guess it's a good thing that there was only one to go to.
Linking up with We Call it Junkin' for History and Home and Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus.
Have a great day!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
It's Summertime!
Happy Summer Vacation!
Finally, after what seems like forever, Maddie had her last day of school yesterday. We have been having super nice, Summer like weather here in Oregon for the last few weeks so it seems like she should have been out of school a long time ago!
Graduation and the party went off without a hitch. Thank you all so much for your happy wishes for Alex. He started his job on Monday and seems pretty excited for the next phase of his life. But I still woke up to my driveway full of cars, a fire smoldering in the firepit, and a bunch of boys sleeping throughout my house. I guess old habits die hard, huh?
Treasure hunting season is in full swing here and I have been lucky enough to hit some pretty good sales so far.
I found this tablecloth at a sale recently and the sweet lady running it told me that she used it in all 5 of her children's weddings on the cake table. I love stories like that! It's still in pristine condition so she obviously took very good care of it.
I tend to migrate more toward brighter and pastel colored tablecloths but like I said, she took really good care of her linens so I saw no reason to leave these behind.
After hearing how that not only do I collect vintage tablecloths but I also use them, she ran into the house and brought out this one for me too. She told me it would be perfect for Summer and that she rarely uses them anymore so she wanted this one to have a good home. She was so sweet!
I haven't been finding a lot of pottery lately so I was pretty surprised to find these at the thrift. The green tumbler isn't old, but has that vintage look to it. I also have a pink one that I found a few years ago. The USA marked turquoise piece was full of messy, crumbly moss that I promptly threw away in the Goodwill trash can before I put it in my car.
I drove by a sale on Thursday on my way to pick up Maddie from school and found these Lustro Ware shakers and Japan marked rooster. I already have a set of these shakers and also the twin to the rooster but the lady only charged me a dollar for all of it. I don't need to explain further, do I?
Maddie found these books at the used bookstore that we trade books at. She told me that they weren't very old but that they would be good in her collection or to craft with.
And on the Pyrex front, a while back I came across another pink Butterprint. You all know how rare and hard to find these are. So when I spotted this one in an antique mall, during their annual sale, I crossed my fingers and hoped it would be a good price. $20 bucks with lid. Yep, that's a good price!
The best part (besides the uber cheap price) was the fact that it was the 471 which is exactly the one I needed to complete my casserole set.
Have a great weekend, everyone! I am going to link up with Melissa for Thrifty Things Friday, Jann for SYC Thursday, The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe, and How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday.
Until next time~
Finally, after what seems like forever, Maddie had her last day of school yesterday. We have been having super nice, Summer like weather here in Oregon for the last few weeks so it seems like she should have been out of school a long time ago!
Graduation and the party went off without a hitch. Thank you all so much for your happy wishes for Alex. He started his job on Monday and seems pretty excited for the next phase of his life. But I still woke up to my driveway full of cars, a fire smoldering in the firepit, and a bunch of boys sleeping throughout my house. I guess old habits die hard, huh?
Treasure hunting season is in full swing here and I have been lucky enough to hit some pretty good sales so far.
I found this tablecloth at a sale recently and the sweet lady running it told me that she used it in all 5 of her children's weddings on the cake table. I love stories like that! It's still in pristine condition so she obviously took very good care of it.
I tend to migrate more toward brighter and pastel colored tablecloths but like I said, she took really good care of her linens so I saw no reason to leave these behind.
After hearing how that not only do I collect vintage tablecloths but I also use them, she ran into the house and brought out this one for me too. She told me it would be perfect for Summer and that she rarely uses them anymore so she wanted this one to have a good home. She was so sweet!
I haven't been finding a lot of pottery lately so I was pretty surprised to find these at the thrift. The green tumbler isn't old, but has that vintage look to it. I also have a pink one that I found a few years ago. The USA marked turquoise piece was full of messy, crumbly moss that I promptly threw away in the Goodwill trash can before I put it in my car.
I drove by a sale on Thursday on my way to pick up Maddie from school and found these Lustro Ware shakers and Japan marked rooster. I already have a set of these shakers and also the twin to the rooster but the lady only charged me a dollar for all of it. I don't need to explain further, do I?
Maddie found these books at the used bookstore that we trade books at. She told me that they weren't very old but that they would be good in her collection or to craft with.
And on the Pyrex front, a while back I came across another pink Butterprint. You all know how rare and hard to find these are. So when I spotted this one in an antique mall, during their annual sale, I crossed my fingers and hoped it would be a good price. $20 bucks with lid. Yep, that's a good price!
The best part (besides the uber cheap price) was the fact that it was the 471 which is exactly the one I needed to complete my casserole set.
Have a great weekend, everyone! I am going to link up with Melissa for Thrifty Things Friday, Jann for SYC Thursday, The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe, and How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday.
Until next time~
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Keep the Goodies Coming
Hanna here! Wow, what a busy few weeks. Between finishing up the school year, Alex's graduation, and having visitors, I can't seem to catch up! Amongst all the madness I have managed to make it to a few sales and a few thrifts and I have some fun finds to share!
My barware collection continues to grow. I picked up a few cute sets of shot glasses, including some Anchor Hocking glasses in the original box. I was really excited to find the road runner cocktail napkins and coasters, because I already have the matching ice bucket!
Two of my favorite glasses: "Bottoms Up," and "Little Shooter."
I couldn't resist this vintage 8 track library case. Look at that pattern! I'm going to store cassettes in it because my Volvo has a tape player.
I couldn't pass up the Japan soup cups and this Betty Crocker's cookbook deserves a home with Pyrex.
I hit the jackpot on Japan mugs. I think I will be selling some of these on Instagram.
These are a few of my favorite finds. An owl tricket tray, a souvenir deer from Canada, and souvenir squirrel shakers from Yellowstone park. I think these friends fit in well in my whimiscal woodland.
I also managed to find some holiday treats including 2 packages of Christmas tags and some unused valentines. I also found a whole roll of really beautiful Christmas wrapping paper that I will have to share next time.
But, my favorite finds in the last few weeks have been orange. I added the 401 Pyrex Flameglo bowl to my collection, now I just need to find the 403 and 404! Erica suprised me with this orange striped mug. Erica has red and turquoise in this pattern, but we both had never seen orange! Thanks Sister!
Lastly, I've been on the hunt for a juicer for quite some time. I was so happy to see that my favorite antique store on the coast, Yankee Trader, was open again for the season and thrilled to find myself an orange juicer!
My full time job will be done next Friday and I will be working part time this summer. I have been doing so well at the sales, I can't imagine how things will be when I have even more time! Keep the goodies coming!
Always a Pleasure,
My barware collection continues to grow. I picked up a few cute sets of shot glasses, including some Anchor Hocking glasses in the original box. I was really excited to find the road runner cocktail napkins and coasters, because I already have the matching ice bucket!
Two of my favorite glasses: "Bottoms Up," and "Little Shooter."
I couldn't resist this vintage 8 track library case. Look at that pattern! I'm going to store cassettes in it because my Volvo has a tape player.
I couldn't pass up the Japan soup cups and this Betty Crocker's cookbook deserves a home with Pyrex.
I hit the jackpot on Japan mugs. I think I will be selling some of these on Instagram.
These are a few of my favorite finds. An owl tricket tray, a souvenir deer from Canada, and souvenir squirrel shakers from Yellowstone park. I think these friends fit in well in my whimiscal woodland.
I also managed to find some holiday treats including 2 packages of Christmas tags and some unused valentines. I also found a whole roll of really beautiful Christmas wrapping paper that I will have to share next time.
But, my favorite finds in the last few weeks have been orange. I added the 401 Pyrex Flameglo bowl to my collection, now I just need to find the 403 and 404! Erica suprised me with this orange striped mug. Erica has red and turquoise in this pattern, but we both had never seen orange! Thanks Sister!
Lastly, I've been on the hunt for a juicer for quite some time. I was so happy to see that my favorite antique store on the coast, Yankee Trader, was open again for the season and thrilled to find myself an orange juicer!
My full time job will be done next Friday and I will be working part time this summer. I have been doing so well at the sales, I can't imagine how things will be when I have even more time! Keep the goodies coming!
Always a Pleasure,
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Quick....Before Everyone Gets Up!
Happy Saturday!
Today is the big day and I am enjoying my coffee and the quiet before the chaos begins. I've got a house full of people, a graduate to get out the door for practice, 4 dozen Red Velvet Cupcakes to bake, and a party for 50+ to put the finishing touches on. These and a million other things all before we leave at noon for the ceremony. I'm exhausted already.
Yesterday, I ran out the door with a small list of errands that I needed to complete for the party today. I was at Michael's when I got the call from Brian about an awesome church sale that he had just gone to. After he told me about the things he found, he remembered that he had forgotten to grab an old suitcase that he thought I might like. I put the cupcake wrappers back that I had in my hand and hurried out to my car. Good thing the sale was only down the road.
So not only did he forget the suitcase, he also forgot the awesome old mailbox and pink birdcage. The birdcage has been on my list forever.
I adore the handwritten name on the side of the mailbox. I think I'm either going to use it outside to store garden tools and gloves in or turn it into a planter somehow.
On my way back to finish my errands, I stopped by another sale (Hey, I'm only human!), and found this thing-a-ma-jig. Not sure what it's original purpose was for but it is now holding napkins, straws, small plastic cups for wine, sugar, and lemon. Perfect for today's party! I'll post a pic on IG later.
I stopped at one more sale that had an entire bedroom dedicated to Christmas. Evidently the homeowner had several trees throughout her house decorated with different themes. She had tons of beautiful but newer ornaments but I was able to find one bag of older ones along with a couple plastic deer and a Santa. I also picked up this sweet towel.
It was nice to be able to do a little sale-ing. I didn't find a whole lot but sometimes it's quality over quantity, right?
Linking up with How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday.
Off to make those cupcakes!
Have a great weekend~
Today is the big day and I am enjoying my coffee and the quiet before the chaos begins. I've got a house full of people, a graduate to get out the door for practice, 4 dozen Red Velvet Cupcakes to bake, and a party for 50+ to put the finishing touches on. These and a million other things all before we leave at noon for the ceremony. I'm exhausted already.
Yesterday, I ran out the door with a small list of errands that I needed to complete for the party today. I was at Michael's when I got the call from Brian about an awesome church sale that he had just gone to. After he told me about the things he found, he remembered that he had forgotten to grab an old suitcase that he thought I might like. I put the cupcake wrappers back that I had in my hand and hurried out to my car. Good thing the sale was only down the road.
So not only did he forget the suitcase, he also forgot the awesome old mailbox and pink birdcage. The birdcage has been on my list forever.
I adore the handwritten name on the side of the mailbox. I think I'm either going to use it outside to store garden tools and gloves in or turn it into a planter somehow.
On my way back to finish my errands, I stopped by another sale (Hey, I'm only human!), and found this thing-a-ma-jig. Not sure what it's original purpose was for but it is now holding napkins, straws, small plastic cups for wine, sugar, and lemon. Perfect for today's party! I'll post a pic on IG later.
I stopped at one more sale that had an entire bedroom dedicated to Christmas. Evidently the homeowner had several trees throughout her house decorated with different themes. She had tons of beautiful but newer ornaments but I was able to find one bag of older ones along with a couple plastic deer and a Santa. I also picked up this sweet towel.
It was nice to be able to do a little sale-ing. I didn't find a whole lot but sometimes it's quality over quantity, right?
Linking up with How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday.
Off to make those cupcakes!
Have a great weekend~
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