Hi Everyone! Hanna here. Last Friday I made it to Portland for the Plucky Maidens Holiday Junk Fest. It definitely got me even more excited for the holidays. I have never made it to the Holiday show, and was happily greeted with more vintage Christmas than I could have ever imagined. It was pretty sad going to Plucky without Erica, but our plans just didn't work out.
First I will share the few Christmas items I've managed to thrift in the last few weeks. It's not a lot, but I'm always happy to add to my little Christmas collection.
My Santa mug collection continues to grow. I also found a sweet little santa tucked away in one of the crazy grab bags at Goodwill. The elf mug helped me complete a second full set.
This kitschy madness I posted on Instagram last week and I'm still smiling about it. Who knew that little white deer lived inside a mushroom house and that Santa delivered them gifts!?! The Gnomes were in pieces at Goodwill but a little glue gun action had them back to normal in no time. I've been wanting them for a long time, so I was happy to finally get to bring a few home.
I of course brought home some magical craftiness from Magpie Ethel's booth at Plucky. This sweet little candy cane elf is one of her awesome creations. I love that the base is a box. I can hide a note inside about memories of this Christmas. The two Santas came from other booths, now I just need some candles for them to climb.
I really practiced restraint at Magpie's. Probably because I know I will be seeing her again in a few weeks at Crafty Wonderland. I now have a big deer to add to my herd and a snowman. When I brought him home I realized he is the only snowman I have, so I better get working on a collection! I found the Holt Howard pitcher at another booth and was pretty excited to bring him home. I can't resist a winking Santa face like that!
Well, I'm about to head off to my 20 week ultrasound, woohoo! I'm half way there! I also finally get to see Erica on Friday, it has been way too long! I hope everyone has a safe, cozy, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Always a Pleasure!
Welcome To

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Recent Happy Finds
In the last week, I have been doing a little more thrifting than usual. It is that time of year for vintage Christmas so I've been checking for it pretty often. Plus, since I head up to visit Alex once a week, I can hit those out of town thrifts too! My hunting has been paying off pretty well...
A while back, I thrifted the red Hazel Atlas bowl. Last week I found the white one at Goodwill. I heard that there is also a blue to the set?
I love the shabby look of these Lu Ray teacups.
My first thrifted vintage Christmas item of the season!
I bought these clear refrigerator dishes for the lids and the two Flame Glo 402 bowls out of Pyrex desperation :-)
I hit the vintage sheet jackpot at St. Vinney's!
I can count on one hand the number of times I have found a vintage tablecloth at the thrift. The funny thing is that I have found them all at the same one!
I found these Fire King mugs at the same thrift as the tablecloth. My aunt gave me two a few years ago so now I have a set of four to go with my Thanksgiving decorations.
In all the madness surrounding my Christmas decorating, I completely forgot that Thanksgiving is next week! Off to make my list....
Linking up with Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus
Have a great week!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Flea Market Finds
Good Morning!
I am at a loss to come up with another name for this post. It just makes sense. Things I found. At the flea market. Obviously.
This turquoise fan brings me to three....an official collection!
I haven't found any old games in quite a while. I picked these up at a 50% off table.
You will never see me pass up Shiny Brites in the original boxes for $2 apiece. Ever.
I am super torn about this item. I would love to use it in my bathroom but am also not wanting to remove it from it's original packaging.
I know that these aren't old but it is pretty rare to find Fiestaware glassware in my area. I love the retro type graphic on these.
A couple new books for Maddie and a Thermo Ware cup in my favorite color for me.
How cute is this?! I rarely find vintage Valentine's Day décor other than valentines. And this Napco planter has a pixie on it!
I love these old tins so much, especially the stripes on the Texcel Tape one.
I have zero business buying another blow mold. But for a buck, he had to come home with me.
A snowman Gurley and some Santa friends for my collections.
I bought these pixies and Santa picks from the nicest seller. She promised to bring more vintage Christmas next time. Is that a good or bad thing for me?
Linking up with:
Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus
Distressed Donna Down Home for Make it Monday
Woman in Real Life for Vintage Bliss Tuesdays
Bella Rosa Antiques for Let's Talk Vintage
Have a great day!
I am at a loss to come up with another name for this post. It just makes sense. Things I found. At the flea market. Obviously.
This turquoise fan brings me to three....an official collection!
I haven't found any old games in quite a while. I picked these up at a 50% off table.
You will never see me pass up Shiny Brites in the original boxes for $2 apiece. Ever.
I am super torn about this item. I would love to use it in my bathroom but am also not wanting to remove it from it's original packaging.
I know that these aren't old but it is pretty rare to find Fiestaware glassware in my area. I love the retro type graphic on these.
A couple new books for Maddie and a Thermo Ware cup in my favorite color for me.
How cute is this?! I rarely find vintage Valentine's Day décor other than valentines. And this Napco planter has a pixie on it!
I love these old tins so much, especially the stripes on the Texcel Tape one.
I have zero business buying another blow mold. But for a buck, he had to come home with me.
A snowman Gurley and some Santa friends for my collections.
I bought these pixies and Santa picks from the nicest seller. She promised to bring more vintage Christmas next time. Is that a good or bad thing for me?
Linking up with:
Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus
Distressed Donna Down Home for Make it Monday
Woman in Real Life for Vintage Bliss Tuesdays
Bella Rosa Antiques for Let's Talk Vintage
Have a great day!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Hello There!
Well, I didn't go a whole week between posts this time! But pretty dang close. I've been busy sorting through all my hoard of vintage Christmas in the past few days. I decided that I am not going to wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate this year. I am going to do a little bit everyday, rather than try and cram it all in to one weekend. Hopefully, this will reduce the overwhelming stress that I get this time of year. I'd like to enjoy the holidays for once, not look at them like they are another chore.
I'm still finding some good stuff here and there. Antiquing and thrifting are how I relax and believe me, relaxation is definitely something I've needed lately.
Some IG finds from one of my favorite sellers. The blanket is perfect for the end of my bed. I also picked up a couple of vintage towels too.
I got the salt shaker in a mixed grab bag of vintage and newer shakers. Then the following week, a seller on IG had the matching pepper one.
I bought this rusty old rake minus the handle from Into Vintage's booth at Monticello Antique Mall in Portland. It will be perfect for Maddie to hang her necklaces from.
I was beyond excited to find this chalkware Black German Shepherd dresser caddy. Looks like my Brewski!
The tag on this tablecloth said it was found at a Ladies Auxiliary rummage sale. How neat!
I love finding Gurley candles that I don't already have. This Santa candle is huge!
This old recipe file is the perfect shade of Jadeite green and full of awesome old recipes!
My Daisy set is complete! I just needed the bottom space saver but the seller was selling them as a pair so I ended up with another of the larger space saver. Dang :-)
Never one to pass up vintage glassware, especially when it's pink! I also can't seem to stop buying these Hazel Atlas ivy bowls.
Linking up with The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe and How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday.
Off to do some more decorating. Have a great weekend!
I'm still finding some good stuff here and there. Antiquing and thrifting are how I relax and believe me, relaxation is definitely something I've needed lately.
Some IG finds from one of my favorite sellers. The blanket is perfect for the end of my bed. I also picked up a couple of vintage towels too.
I got the salt shaker in a mixed grab bag of vintage and newer shakers. Then the following week, a seller on IG had the matching pepper one.
I bought this rusty old rake minus the handle from Into Vintage's booth at Monticello Antique Mall in Portland. It will be perfect for Maddie to hang her necklaces from.
I was beyond excited to find this chalkware Black German Shepherd dresser caddy. Looks like my Brewski!
The tag on this tablecloth said it was found at a Ladies Auxiliary rummage sale. How neat!
I love finding Gurley candles that I don't already have. This Santa candle is huge!
This old recipe file is the perfect shade of Jadeite green and full of awesome old recipes!
My Daisy set is complete! I just needed the bottom space saver but the seller was selling them as a pair so I ended up with another of the larger space saver. Dang :-)
Never one to pass up vintage glassware, especially when it's pink! I also can't seem to stop buying these Hazel Atlas ivy bowls.
Linking up with The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe and How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday.
Off to do some more decorating. Have a great weekend!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Is This Becoming A Thing?
I have noticed that my blog posts are becoming farther and farther apart. I strive to post at least twice a week but lately it's been more like once! It's not for lack of junk (thank goodness), or even lack of time. It's that damn Instagram! It's just so easy to snap a quick picture and post it for the IG world to see. As a result, our poor little blog is being neglected. I didn't even take pictures to share my Halloween decorations! Oh well, if you want to see those, head to (where else?), Instagram.
Last weekend I flew solo up to Portland for a huge show at the Expo. Maddie decided to go deer hunting with her dad. No thank you. I prefer junk hunting. I missed my girl but the amount of awesomeness I found more than made up for my lonliness.
You know it's going to be a good show when your first purchase of the day is the larger bowl in the Pyrex Eyes set for seven bucks!
This Hazel Atlas juice carafe has been on my wish list for as long as I can remember. It was even on my mind as I was driving up to Portland! I can't believe I finally have it! The matching juice glass was at the very next booth.
I have become obsessed with the pastel Tupperware tumblers. They are so durable and pretty! The flamingo and chick glasses I got at separate booths. The blue star Swanky Swig was one I didn't have!
The Glasbake handled bowls have really grown on me. My family uses them all the time so I was happy to add two more to the stack. When I asked the sweet little old lady at the booth with the Fire King Jadeite refrigerator dish how much it was, she said "Oh, I have to ask at least five dollars for that." Love it! The Hazel Atlas striped bowl will join it's red friends on my red Cosco cart and the candle holders will go in a jar with the rest of my collection.
The Gurley Thanksgiving candles will join the rest of their friends when I put out my Thanksgiving decorations later on today.
There was so much vintage Christmas at this show! So so so so much!!! I am so proud of myself for only allowing these three things to come home with me.
But when it came to vintage Halloween, all that restraint flew right out the window!
Rounding out my show purchases was all the cuteness! The Bambi will join Maddie's collection. I've been pretty lucky finding the chalkware fish lately. Now I just need to find a good spot for all of them. The flamingo decals are some I had never seen before and didn't already have in my collection. And the Lefton bluebird wall pockets? Another thing on my wish list at a price I couldn't walk away from.
Such a fun show but the treasure hunting didn't end there! I hit a couple of antique malls too. More on what I found there next time!
Linking up with:
Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus
Melissa's Antiques for Thrifty Things Friday
Distressed Donna Down Home for Make it Monday
Have an awesome day & don't forget to set your clocks back!
Last weekend I flew solo up to Portland for a huge show at the Expo. Maddie decided to go deer hunting with her dad. No thank you. I prefer junk hunting. I missed my girl but the amount of awesomeness I found more than made up for my lonliness.
You know it's going to be a good show when your first purchase of the day is the larger bowl in the Pyrex Eyes set for seven bucks!
This Hazel Atlas juice carafe has been on my wish list for as long as I can remember. It was even on my mind as I was driving up to Portland! I can't believe I finally have it! The matching juice glass was at the very next booth.
I have become obsessed with the pastel Tupperware tumblers. They are so durable and pretty! The flamingo and chick glasses I got at separate booths. The blue star Swanky Swig was one I didn't have!
The Glasbake handled bowls have really grown on me. My family uses them all the time so I was happy to add two more to the stack. When I asked the sweet little old lady at the booth with the Fire King Jadeite refrigerator dish how much it was, she said "Oh, I have to ask at least five dollars for that." Love it! The Hazel Atlas striped bowl will join it's red friends on my red Cosco cart and the candle holders will go in a jar with the rest of my collection.
The Gurley Thanksgiving candles will join the rest of their friends when I put out my Thanksgiving decorations later on today.
There was so much vintage Christmas at this show! So so so so much!!! I am so proud of myself for only allowing these three things to come home with me.
But when it came to vintage Halloween, all that restraint flew right out the window!
Rounding out my show purchases was all the cuteness! The Bambi will join Maddie's collection. I've been pretty lucky finding the chalkware fish lately. Now I just need to find a good spot for all of them. The flamingo decals are some I had never seen before and didn't already have in my collection. And the Lefton bluebird wall pockets? Another thing on my wish list at a price I couldn't walk away from.
Such a fun show but the treasure hunting didn't end there! I hit a couple of antique malls too. More on what I found there next time!
Linking up with:
Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus
Melissa's Antiques for Thrifty Things Friday
Distressed Donna Down Home for Make it Monday
Have an awesome day & don't forget to set your clocks back!
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