Good morning!
Busy day ahead. Hanna and I are headed to the Alameda Points Antiques Faire tomorrow and I have tons to do. Not only do I have to get myself ready, I also have to make sure that my family has everything they need to survive the weekend without me. I'm super excited for this road trip and have been looking forward to finding some good junk for weeks Those of you on Instagram will have a front row seat to all of the fun finds and chaos that awaits us over the next few days.
Now, onto part 2 of what I found at the Palmer Wirfs show a couple of weekends ago...
I was excited to find another breadbox. These are the best storage containers!
Miss Kitty on the left was found at my local flea market last year. I was happy to reunite her with her twin.
I bought these chalkware bluebirds not knowing where I would put them. I still don't but there was no way I was leaving them behind!
I could not resist the color combination of this vintage picnic set. Now if the weather would cool down enough so I could actually sit outside and enjoy using them.
I thought this jar would look cute in a summertime strawberry display. Which I don't have. Yet.
I had planned on buying this barn but was so excited about the donkey laundry bag I posted about in Part 1 that I forgot about it. Luckily it was still there on our second time through.
I believe this unmarked bowl is Hazel Atlas. I have a mismatched stack of red bowls in my kitchen and this fits in perfect.
This sweet bird apron is made out of a heavy canvas type of material. I love it.
I normally steer clear of linen tablecloths. They are a little too fancy and high maintenance for me. But the pink floral design on this one sucked me in.
Well, that's it! I told you all it was worth the 2 hour drive and the massive crowds and heat. Plus, Maddie and I got some one on one time together. I really love how much she enjoys going to these shows with me. I hope her enthusiasm lasts!
Linking up with Jann Olson for SYC Thursday, The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe, and How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday.
Remember to follow us on Instagram!
Welcome To

Thursday, July 31, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
The Expo....What I Bought Part 1
A couple of weekends ago, Maddie & I went up to Portland to the Palmer Wirfs show at the Expo. This is one of my favorite local shows to go to and I try and go just about every time it's in Oregon. There are lots of vendors and tons of eye candy. A lot of it is pretty expensive but I usually can find some good things to make the drive worth it.
The Summer show also has outdoor vendors. I found that these sellers were much more willing to barter with me (or Maddie, as she insists on doing the haggling). The outside of the show definitely had more of an antique fair feel where as the inside was like walking in an expensive antique mall. I bought two things inside the show. The rest I found outside.
I couldn't resist adding this thermos to my collection. The color combination is amazing!
This shabby canister fits in perfect on my patio cart with all of my other kitchen-y things that are too worn for inside.
Some vintage dishtowels. Love the Florida one!
There was a booth that had tons of metal letters in all colors and sizes. I picked these out for my bedroom.
Maddie picked out this cute combo for her room. We spent about 30 minutes in this booth digging and trying different arrangements. It was so fun!
My favorite find of the day was this laundry bag with a donkey on it! How perfect is this? I am in love with it!
Stay tuned for part 2....
Linking up with Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus and We Call it Junkin' for History and Home.
The Summer show also has outdoor vendors. I found that these sellers were much more willing to barter with me (or Maddie, as she insists on doing the haggling). The outside of the show definitely had more of an antique fair feel where as the inside was like walking in an expensive antique mall. I bought two things inside the show. The rest I found outside.
I couldn't resist adding this thermos to my collection. The color combination is amazing!
This shabby canister fits in perfect on my patio cart with all of my other kitchen-y things that are too worn for inside.
Some vintage dishtowels. Love the Florida one!
There was a booth that had tons of metal letters in all colors and sizes. I picked these out for my bedroom.
Maddie picked out this cute combo for her room. We spent about 30 minutes in this booth digging and trying different arrangements. It was so fun!
My favorite find of the day was this laundry bag with a donkey on it! How perfect is this? I am in love with it!
Stay tuned for part 2....
Linking up with Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus and We Call it Junkin' for History and Home.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
More Catching Up
Another catch up post for you all. If you are on Instagram, some of these photos you may have already seen. I love IG for that reason. Sometimes I get so excited for a find, that I can't wait to share it and Instagram allows me to show it off lickety split! If you haven't joined yet, you really should. So many of us bloggers have jumped on the bandwagon. So even if you don't want to post photos, you can still enjoy all of the eye candy.
On to the loot!
I went to an estate sale at a small house a while back and was #20 in line. Once it was time for the doors to open, there were about 40 more people behind me. The house was around 1000 square feet and the owners let every single person in at once. I'm not going to complain but the small space and tons of people sure made it hard to maneuver. But I did manage to get some things. The old dish towel was pretty yellowed but cleaned up nicely and is back to bright white. I can always use another measuring cup and the Cooky Book was one I had on my list for a while.
More flower frogs for my ever growing collection.
The bluebirds were the whole reason I went to the sale. When I saw the pictures online, I knew I had to try to get them. There were lots of dealers at this sale in line ahead of me so I wasn't very optimistic. But the way they were priced left little to no profit to be made so I had no problem getting them for my collection. The orange birds were in the free box.
I thought these cards would be cute in a Fall display. Also from the free box.
I cannot pass up pretty vintage sheets! I have a pretty good collection of full sized which works out perfect because as soon as Alex moves out, I am putting a full size bed in his room just so I can use them! The ice cream scoops will be getting a makeover with some chalk paint.
That's all for now!
Linking up with We Call it Junkin' for History & Home.
Have an awesome day~
Monday, July 21, 2014
One Small Sale & A Quick Thrift Stop
Happy Monday!
Hope you all had a great weekend. Our household has been project central and this weekend the focus was my bedroom. Blog post to follow as soon as this overcast weather goes away and I can get some good pictures.
Lots of sales this weekend, as can be expected for this time of year. Sometimes I can get super overwhelmed with the amount of ads and that makes it easy for me to just blow them off all together. Plus, I really needed to get some things done around here.
But old habits die hard and when you drive by a sign that says "Estate Sale" and it looks like it was written by your grandma, you stop.
Not the cutest donkey but Hanna doesn't allow any donkeys to be left behind so I had to abide by her rule.
I was walking into this sale when a dealer from a local antique mall was walking out so I didn't have much hope for finding much. I really love her booth and almost always buy something from it. Either these eggs are reproductions or she missed them. They are marked Made in Germany but so are the ones you can get from World Market.
I dug these out of the same box at the paper eggs. I know they are old!
Maddie found these NOS plastic clothespins which are perfect for my laundry room. Another cookbook for my collection and a box of ornaments that I should NOT BE BUYING!
But we all know that is nearly impossible for me.
Loving the yellow trim on these pillowcases.
I have no idea what happened to this framed print. The picture is stuck to the glass so there is no way I am going to be able to save it. But the frame is pink so it's not a total loss!
So Alex starts school in the Fall and will be moving into an apartment with two of his best friends. I'm on the hunt for a desk and a small dining room set. I'd like to find something old that I can refinish. If I can't find anything, there is always Ikea. But this task gives me a reason to stop at the thrifts from time to time. No furniture at this stop but I did find these things...
These cute juice glasses go really well with my Fiestaware dishes.
The sweetest embroidered apron.
It's always a good day when I can find Pyrex at the thrift, especially when it is a pattern I collect!
Busy day today so I gotta get moving!
Linking up with Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus and Melissa's Antiques for Thrifty Things Friday.
Have a great day!
Hope you all had a great weekend. Our household has been project central and this weekend the focus was my bedroom. Blog post to follow as soon as this overcast weather goes away and I can get some good pictures.
Lots of sales this weekend, as can be expected for this time of year. Sometimes I can get super overwhelmed with the amount of ads and that makes it easy for me to just blow them off all together. Plus, I really needed to get some things done around here.
But old habits die hard and when you drive by a sign that says "Estate Sale" and it looks like it was written by your grandma, you stop.
Not the cutest donkey but Hanna doesn't allow any donkeys to be left behind so I had to abide by her rule.
I was walking into this sale when a dealer from a local antique mall was walking out so I didn't have much hope for finding much. I really love her booth and almost always buy something from it. Either these eggs are reproductions or she missed them. They are marked Made in Germany but so are the ones you can get from World Market.
I dug these out of the same box at the paper eggs. I know they are old!
Maddie found these NOS plastic clothespins which are perfect for my laundry room. Another cookbook for my collection and a box of ornaments that I should NOT BE BUYING!
But we all know that is nearly impossible for me.
Loving the yellow trim on these pillowcases.
I have no idea what happened to this framed print. The picture is stuck to the glass so there is no way I am going to be able to save it. But the frame is pink so it's not a total loss!
So Alex starts school in the Fall and will be moving into an apartment with two of his best friends. I'm on the hunt for a desk and a small dining room set. I'd like to find something old that I can refinish. If I can't find anything, there is always Ikea. But this task gives me a reason to stop at the thrifts from time to time. No furniture at this stop but I did find these things...
These cute juice glasses go really well with my Fiestaware dishes.
The sweetest embroidered apron.
It's always a good day when I can find Pyrex at the thrift, especially when it is a pattern I collect!
Busy day today so I gotta get moving!
Linking up with Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus and Melissa's Antiques for Thrifty Things Friday.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
An Unexpected Sale
Good morning!
A couple of weeks ago, I went to a sale given by a local auction house. Holy moly the prices were super high! I love these guys and Hanna and I had a blast attending one of their auctions last summer but I will most likely steer clear of their estate sales. Example? What I think was a Spring Blossom 402 bowl (so badly dishwashered it was hard to tell) for $14.
Needless to say, I left that sale defeated and empty handed. As I headed back toward home, I saw another sign for an estate sale. I hadn't seen any advertising for this one. It also started the day prior. Since I didn't have anything else to do, I figured it wouldn't hurt to see what was left.
I found this awesome pink laundry hamper in the backyard (?). It was filthy and I'm pretty sure wasn't ever used to hold actual laundry.
This unfinished apron is so dang cute! Just needs the ties. I think I should be able to handle that. Okay, probably not. But I bet I can talk my mother-in-law to doing it for me.
Some pretty linens. Loving the Jadeite color on the pillowcase.
Another pretty tablecloth. Do you all see the photobombing German Shepherd?
I picked up this old soldering kit just for the case. Obviously I am not going to be soldering anything.
There has got to be some sort of support group for jar addicts.
I found all of this pottery in the shed out back. Just goes to show that you should always check every room and building at an estate sale. I have found Pyrex in garages and outbuildings before!
Not bad for the second day of a sale plus it was all half off. I asked the people running the sale if it was advertised and they said no, they just put up signs because that was the way they had always advertised and it always worked for them. Well it worked out good for me too!
Linking up with Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus.
Have a great day & stay cool!
A couple of weeks ago, I went to a sale given by a local auction house. Holy moly the prices were super high! I love these guys and Hanna and I had a blast attending one of their auctions last summer but I will most likely steer clear of their estate sales. Example? What I think was a Spring Blossom 402 bowl (so badly dishwashered it was hard to tell) for $14.
Needless to say, I left that sale defeated and empty handed. As I headed back toward home, I saw another sign for an estate sale. I hadn't seen any advertising for this one. It also started the day prior. Since I didn't have anything else to do, I figured it wouldn't hurt to see what was left.
I found this awesome pink laundry hamper in the backyard (?). It was filthy and I'm pretty sure wasn't ever used to hold actual laundry.
This unfinished apron is so dang cute! Just needs the ties. I think I should be able to handle that. Okay, probably not. But I bet I can talk my mother-in-law to doing it for me.
Some pretty linens. Loving the Jadeite color on the pillowcase.
Another pretty tablecloth. Do you all see the photobombing German Shepherd?
I picked up this old soldering kit just for the case. Obviously I am not going to be soldering anything.
There has got to be some sort of support group for jar addicts.
I found all of this pottery in the shed out back. Just goes to show that you should always check every room and building at an estate sale. I have found Pyrex in garages and outbuildings before!
Not bad for the second day of a sale plus it was all half off. I asked the people running the sale if it was advertised and they said no, they just put up signs because that was the way they had always advertised and it always worked for them. Well it worked out good for me too!
Linking up with Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus.
Have a great day & stay cool!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Trying To Get Caught Up
Hi blog friends!
Fortunately for me, there has been no shortage of junk finding around here this Summer. I've been really good about cleaning it up and getting it all put away in a timely matter. But blogging about it? That's a whole other story. Any spare time that I have had has been spent outside on the patio with my dogs, a glass (or three) of wine, and a book. I had big plans to post last week but Hanna beat me to it so I had to let her post headline for a few days. So now is the time! It's Sunday evening, Brian and Alex are gone, and Maddie is deep into yet another Rainbow Loom project.
I went to a small family run estate sale a few weeks ago. These kind of sales are always hit and miss with me. Either the family wants a million dollars for grandma's old possessions or they just want to get rid of it and will take next to nothing just to see it go. Fortunately for me, this sale was in the latter category.
A couple of years ago, I decided that I wanted this Taylor Smith & Taylor pattern to be my new dishes. I have since changed my mind. So I really had no business buying this stack of plates. But they were a dime apiece. I'll probably end up selling them at my own garage sale.
I bought these dishes, also for a dime apiece, because they were too pretty to leave behind. My long term plan is to make cake pedestals out of them to give away as gifts and to showcase just how crafty I am (I am totally NOT crafty).
Please excuse the tiltyness of this photo. I may have taken it after the aforementioned glasses of wine. Anyway, the Fire King bowls will be Mia's Fall dishes (yes, my cat has vintage dishes for all seasons. Doesn't yours?). The ashtray will likely be sold on eBay since I have sold one prior and made a pretty good profit.
A couple of years ago, Jill from A Little Bit of Everything, sent Maddie some vintage decals that were made in Canada. I found some at this sale so now I have my own! Everything that Maddie receives from our Blogland friends she immediately takes in her room so that I can't take it from her. Smart girl.
Woo-Hoo! I love finding old soda crates. Especially when they are $2!
I rarely pass up these old jars. Or Swanky Swigs. Or red, white, and blue stuff. Or anything, I guess.
Tiny little crafting bunnies? Okay, we've already established that I am not crafty but I can do some mean Easter decorating!
More bunnies and some bird cake decorations.
You know what they say about bunnies....
I once saw one of these old bushel baskets painted aqua and turned into a light. We will just add that project to the pile.
I make Brian turn these old buckets into hanging planters. I do not garden but I am really good at giving orders and having others create my visions. A couple of years ago, I bought this exact same Art Deco style jar at an antique fair. Since then, I have found two at sales. Doesn't that always happen?
I will end this post with the very first things I picked up when I walked into the sale. Do you all know how hard it is to find Jadeite anywhere but antique malls and shows? Well of course you do! We are all experts, aren't we? And Gooseberry is getting to be one of the harder Pyrex patterns to find. Finding both of these at the same sale? That's another rarity.
Linking up with The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe, Melissa's Antiques for Thrifty Things Friday, How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday, and Jann Olson for SYC Thursday.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Fortunately for me, there has been no shortage of junk finding around here this Summer. I've been really good about cleaning it up and getting it all put away in a timely matter. But blogging about it? That's a whole other story. Any spare time that I have had has been spent outside on the patio with my dogs, a glass (or three) of wine, and a book. I had big plans to post last week but Hanna beat me to it so I had to let her post headline for a few days. So now is the time! It's Sunday evening, Brian and Alex are gone, and Maddie is deep into yet another Rainbow Loom project.
I went to a small family run estate sale a few weeks ago. These kind of sales are always hit and miss with me. Either the family wants a million dollars for grandma's old possessions or they just want to get rid of it and will take next to nothing just to see it go. Fortunately for me, this sale was in the latter category.
A couple of years ago, I decided that I wanted this Taylor Smith & Taylor pattern to be my new dishes. I have since changed my mind. So I really had no business buying this stack of plates. But they were a dime apiece. I'll probably end up selling them at my own garage sale.
I bought these dishes, also for a dime apiece, because they were too pretty to leave behind. My long term plan is to make cake pedestals out of them to give away as gifts and to showcase just how crafty I am (I am totally NOT crafty).
Please excuse the tiltyness of this photo. I may have taken it after the aforementioned glasses of wine. Anyway, the Fire King bowls will be Mia's Fall dishes (yes, my cat has vintage dishes for all seasons. Doesn't yours?). The ashtray will likely be sold on eBay since I have sold one prior and made a pretty good profit.
A couple of years ago, Jill from A Little Bit of Everything, sent Maddie some vintage decals that were made in Canada. I found some at this sale so now I have my own! Everything that Maddie receives from our Blogland friends she immediately takes in her room so that I can't take it from her. Smart girl.
Woo-Hoo! I love finding old soda crates. Especially when they are $2!
I rarely pass up these old jars. Or Swanky Swigs. Or red, white, and blue stuff. Or anything, I guess.
Tiny little crafting bunnies? Okay, we've already established that I am not crafty but I can do some mean Easter decorating!
More bunnies and some bird cake decorations.
You know what they say about bunnies....
I once saw one of these old bushel baskets painted aqua and turned into a light. We will just add that project to the pile.
I make Brian turn these old buckets into hanging planters. I do not garden but I am really good at giving orders and having others create my visions. A couple of years ago, I bought this exact same Art Deco style jar at an antique fair. Since then, I have found two at sales. Doesn't that always happen?
I will end this post with the very first things I picked up when I walked into the sale. Do you all know how hard it is to find Jadeite anywhere but antique malls and shows? Well of course you do! We are all experts, aren't we? And Gooseberry is getting to be one of the harder Pyrex patterns to find. Finding both of these at the same sale? That's another rarity.
Linking up with The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe, Melissa's Antiques for Thrifty Things Friday, How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday, and Jann Olson for SYC Thursday.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
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