Look what I found....
Yep, that would be the Rainbow Stripe in pink #403.
Guess what that means?
Well obviously another set to add to my Pyrex menagerie. Wait...isn't a Menagerie something related to exotic animals? I'm pretty sure that pink striped Pyrex is exotic!
Here are the pretty pink stripes happily reunited with their yellow counterparts. Now, onto the blue!
Linking up with:
The Thrifty Groove
How Sweet The Sound
The Cottage Market
Have a great weekend!
Welcome To

Friday, August 30, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Summer Is Almost Over
Hi Friends!
We are in the last full week of Summer vacation here. School clothes and supplies have been purchased and the kids have both been registered. I can't believe how fast Summer went by! I don't know about you, but when I was younger, time seemed to move a lot slower.
Between cleaning the garage and starting the redecorating process of Maddie's room (goodbye shabby chic, hello vintage cowgirl), I was able to hit two sales relatively close to my house. One was an advertised estate sale and one I just so happened to stop at because the little old lady that lives there has lived there for the past 40 years so I figured she had to have some great stuff.
The estate sale was actually a moving sale given by a young family relocating to California. They were about my age and although they had nice stuff, it wasn't old enough for my taste. However, the garage had a bunch of "old stuff" that had belonged to the husband's grandmother. She had passed away a few years ago and they had been storing the remaining items that the family didn't want. You can guess where I headed after hearing that!
The best part about this sale was that the newer stuff was priced way higher than the old stuff. I guess they just assumed that the old stuff wasn't worth anything. The Ball jar and cocktail shaker were 75 cents apiece.
The Fire King Tulip bowl is the 7" size. I now have three in the set. I have seen where there are 4 bowls and 5. Does anybody know exactly how many are in the full set. Oh, and the price on this? 2 bucks.
I am not sure what I am going to do with this fabric but it was too pretty to leave behind.
These cute embroidered pillowcases are currently soaking in my laundry room sink. I can't wait to use them!
So that was it for that sale. I expected there to be a lot more vintage stuff but mostly all that was left after I picked through it was Tupperware, clothing, and pill separators. Definitely not my thing.
Then it was on to the next sale.
Quarter apiece Swanky Swigs! I had been on a swig dry spell lately but with my Plucky finds and this score, I'd say the dry spell is over!
How pretty are the turquoise, red, and yellow colors in this tablecloth? I'd say it's the perfect combination.
When I first got to the sale, a lady was asking if there were any more of these clam shell chairs in the back yard. When she was told that there was only one, she decided she didn't want this chair because she wanted a pair. Crazy lady! Buy this one and them someday you will find another one then you will have a pair! As soon as she was out of arms reach, I grabbed it. I didn't want to seem too eager..HA!
The Pyrex loaf pan and two 502 refrigerator dishes aren't patterns I collect but would you leave them behind for $1.25 for all three? I didn't think so.
Hopefully I can hit up some sales before we leave town on Friday. Brian and I are taking the kids up to Portland to see Taylor Swift. Upholding this Parents of the Year title is hard work!
As many of you know, today is Hanna's Golden Birthday! 27 on the 27th!
Happy Birthday to my lovely Sisterita! We will pretend that this red headed baker is Matt making you a cake and that you didn't have to make your own!
By the way....that would totally be Hanna hovering with the ice cream before the cake is even ready.
I'm heading over to link up with:
Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus
The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Mod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday
Have a great day!
We are in the last full week of Summer vacation here. School clothes and supplies have been purchased and the kids have both been registered. I can't believe how fast Summer went by! I don't know about you, but when I was younger, time seemed to move a lot slower.
Between cleaning the garage and starting the redecorating process of Maddie's room (goodbye shabby chic, hello vintage cowgirl), I was able to hit two sales relatively close to my house. One was an advertised estate sale and one I just so happened to stop at because the little old lady that lives there has lived there for the past 40 years so I figured she had to have some great stuff.
The estate sale was actually a moving sale given by a young family relocating to California. They were about my age and although they had nice stuff, it wasn't old enough for my taste. However, the garage had a bunch of "old stuff" that had belonged to the husband's grandmother. She had passed away a few years ago and they had been storing the remaining items that the family didn't want. You can guess where I headed after hearing that!
The best part about this sale was that the newer stuff was priced way higher than the old stuff. I guess they just assumed that the old stuff wasn't worth anything. The Ball jar and cocktail shaker were 75 cents apiece.
The Fire King Tulip bowl is the 7" size. I now have three in the set. I have seen where there are 4 bowls and 5. Does anybody know exactly how many are in the full set. Oh, and the price on this? 2 bucks.
I am not sure what I am going to do with this fabric but it was too pretty to leave behind.
These cute embroidered pillowcases are currently soaking in my laundry room sink. I can't wait to use them!
So that was it for that sale. I expected there to be a lot more vintage stuff but mostly all that was left after I picked through it was Tupperware, clothing, and pill separators. Definitely not my thing.
Then it was on to the next sale.
Quarter apiece Swanky Swigs! I had been on a swig dry spell lately but with my Plucky finds and this score, I'd say the dry spell is over!
How pretty are the turquoise, red, and yellow colors in this tablecloth? I'd say it's the perfect combination.
When I first got to the sale, a lady was asking if there were any more of these clam shell chairs in the back yard. When she was told that there was only one, she decided she didn't want this chair because she wanted a pair. Crazy lady! Buy this one and them someday you will find another one then you will have a pair! As soon as she was out of arms reach, I grabbed it. I didn't want to seem too eager..HA!
The Pyrex loaf pan and two 502 refrigerator dishes aren't patterns I collect but would you leave them behind for $1.25 for all three? I didn't think so.
Hopefully I can hit up some sales before we leave town on Friday. Brian and I are taking the kids up to Portland to see Taylor Swift. Upholding this Parents of the Year title is hard work!
As many of you know, today is Hanna's Golden Birthday! 27 on the 27th!
By the way....that would totally be Hanna hovering with the ice cream before the cake is even ready.
I'm heading over to link up with:
Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus
The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Mod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday
Have a great day!
Friday, August 23, 2013
It's a Sister Birthday
Happy Friday! It was my first full week of my new job and oh my goodness! So much to learn and so different from my teaching job before. I'm not sure if I mentioned I will be teaching online from home, which is amazing. It took a few days to get a hang of working from home, but I really think I'm going to love it. But, even working from home I'm still exhausted.
Erica gave a wild, comical description of our trip to Vegas. I will say it was probably one of our craziest trips. She did leave out a very important event though! We saw Lady Gaga! Walking back to Caesars Palace one day there were a bunch of sirens and Las Vegas Blvd was shut down. We were on a sky bridge trying to figure things out and I looked down and there she was! I've included a photo.
Well, next week is my birthday so Erica and Maddie presented me with my prizes on Sunday when we were home from Vegas. I definitely did not have a clue what I was getting. I don't think Sister realized how excited I was because we were so exhausted from our trip, but I will say this is one of my favorite gifts she has ever given me.
Yes you are seeing correctly. That is the complete set of McKee sailboat bowls. They were still in the original box too! I've loved this pattern for so long but would never buy it for myself. I feel like one lucky thrifting Sisterita!
Maddie also picked out this very special gift. My baby cement deer from a while back now has a Mama! When I pulled in the driveway yesterday I saw her ears sticking up and I jumped because I thought there was a live animal in my yard!
No birthday is complete without a new swanky swig. Erica got this at Plucky Maidens, but already had the pattern.
Lastly, I picked up this Stellar Jay figurine at my GW last week. Its paint is a little chippy and its marked Japan. I think it will be happy with its other bird friends.
I'm going to go enjoy my last few days of my 26th year. I'm turning 27 on the 27th so apparently this is a golden birthday someone told me. Well, 27 is my unlucky number so I hope this is true. Apparently mars is supposed to be so close that day that it looks like there are 2 moons, so that is a good sign.
Have a thrifty weekend!
Erica gave a wild, comical description of our trip to Vegas. I will say it was probably one of our craziest trips. She did leave out a very important event though! We saw Lady Gaga! Walking back to Caesars Palace one day there were a bunch of sirens and Las Vegas Blvd was shut down. We were on a sky bridge trying to figure things out and I looked down and there she was! I've included a photo.
Well, next week is my birthday so Erica and Maddie presented me with my prizes on Sunday when we were home from Vegas. I definitely did not have a clue what I was getting. I don't think Sister realized how excited I was because we were so exhausted from our trip, but I will say this is one of my favorite gifts she has ever given me.
Yes you are seeing correctly. That is the complete set of McKee sailboat bowls. They were still in the original box too! I've loved this pattern for so long but would never buy it for myself. I feel like one lucky thrifting Sisterita!
Maddie also picked out this very special gift. My baby cement deer from a while back now has a Mama! When I pulled in the driveway yesterday I saw her ears sticking up and I jumped because I thought there was a live animal in my yard!
No birthday is complete without a new swanky swig. Erica got this at Plucky Maidens, but already had the pattern.
Lastly, I picked up this Stellar Jay figurine at my GW last week. Its paint is a little chippy and its marked Japan. I think it will be happy with its other bird friends.
I'm going to go enjoy my last few days of my 26th year. I'm turning 27 on the 27th so apparently this is a golden birthday someone told me. Well, 27 is my unlucky number so I hope this is true. Apparently mars is supposed to be so close that day that it looks like there are 2 moons, so that is a good sign.
Have a thrifty weekend!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Erica's Plucky Prizes & A Vegas Recovery
Hi Everyone!
Well, we all made it back from Vegas in one piece, thankfully. There were a few circumstances that made this trip a little harder to recover from. For one thing, thanks to Sister wanting to see some female mud wrestling (don't ask), we were there one more day than we usually are. If you've ever been to Vegas, then you know that short trips are usually the smarter idea. We also took some friends with us and of course when you throw more people into the mix, there is more fun to be had! Finally, I don't know if I have ever shared this with all of you, but my husband LOVES to gamble (which is probably why we go to Vegas several times a year). Anyway, due to the fact that he has dropped some serious coin over the past several years, Caesars Palace has made him a Diamond member of their rewards club which means we get several perks including the Diamond Lounge. The Diamond Lounge serves it's members and guests free alcohol. Enough said.
Before we left, Hanna showed you her finds from our girls trip to Plucky Maidens in Portland. I love Plucky but wish that there were more vendors. We can usually make it around the whole event in about and hour. But it was outside and the weather and venue were beautiful plus Maddie & I got to spend some much needed time with Hanna so that definitely made up for the small amount of treasures we found.
My first find of the day was this adorable child's ironing board. Starting tomorrow, my laundry room is getting remodeled, so eventually this will be displayed in there. I can't believe that we built this house in 2007 and are already remodeling. But to keep my sanity, we are starting out with the smallest although most used room in the house. Wonder how that will work?
Maddie has decided that she wants to collect vintage birthday candles after seeing Laurie's collection sitting on her kitchen counter. The tin is one I have been wanting to find for a while because of it's bright graphics. And for some reason, the honeycomb fruit picks called to me. Maybe it was their $2 price tag?
I have been wanting a child's watering can forever, after seeing them on Carol's blog Old Glory Cottage. They are just so dang expensive in my area! This cutie has seen better days but was only $3! I think it's the perfect start to my hopeful collection.
There was one seller who had all of her vintage linens priced like this: Small $2 & Large $3. These tablecloths are in PERFECT condition. I was thrilled to get them for $3 apiece.
I am in love with the design on this one.
I also got this giant pillow cover made out of old dishtowels. I wish she had more!
At the last Plucky show I went to, I bought a tote bag made out of a vintage tablecloth. I'm not sure if I got this one from the same lady or not. I use my other one all the time so I figured it was a good idea to have a backup!
Maddie bought herself this adorable headband made out of vintage tablecloth scraps and an old button. She said she was buying it for research so she could make her own. It looks so cute on her! The best part was the little shopping bags the booth used. They made them out of vintage sheets!
She also bartered on a couple of new books for her collection.
I picked up some vintage sheets for my yet to be determined project.
My amazing Sister snuck away and bought me this sweet little donkey. Want to see the best part?
He's a souvenir donkey from Yellowstone Park!
Hanna also brought me these ornaments and cute old magazine from her thrifting adventures in Astoria.
A while back she picked up the Mississippi & Hawaiian Islands souvenir glasses for me and finally remembered to bring them! I got the Washington & Arizona ones from the same lady I got the tablecloth bag from. It's been a while since I have found any souvenir glasses so I was super excited to come home with 4!
Hanna & I each picked up two of the Swanky Swigs with the tiny red flowers. It's pretty rare that I find some that I don't already have. I only allow myself two of each. What do you think I am, a hoarder? Anyways, I thought I only had one of the red animal one but when I got home, I found out that I actually already had two so this one went home with Sister yesterday.
The pink Fire King mug was a Plucky purchase and the turquoise Pyrex 024 was found at the Goodwill in Troutdale. One thing about Plucky Maidens is that there is hardly ever any Pyrex there. At least Goodwill delivered!
Although it was a small show, I think we managed to pick up some pretty great things. Plus we got to see Laurie of Magpie Ethel fame & got to meet Amy from Into Vintage. It's so fun to meet blog friends!
I'm heading over to link up with:
Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus
The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Have a great day!
Well, we all made it back from Vegas in one piece, thankfully. There were a few circumstances that made this trip a little harder to recover from. For one thing, thanks to Sister wanting to see some female mud wrestling (don't ask), we were there one more day than we usually are. If you've ever been to Vegas, then you know that short trips are usually the smarter idea. We also took some friends with us and of course when you throw more people into the mix, there is more fun to be had! Finally, I don't know if I have ever shared this with all of you, but my husband LOVES to gamble (which is probably why we go to Vegas several times a year). Anyway, due to the fact that he has dropped some serious coin over the past several years, Caesars Palace has made him a Diamond member of their rewards club which means we get several perks including the Diamond Lounge. The Diamond Lounge serves it's members and guests free alcohol. Enough said.
Before we left, Hanna showed you her finds from our girls trip to Plucky Maidens in Portland. I love Plucky but wish that there were more vendors. We can usually make it around the whole event in about and hour. But it was outside and the weather and venue were beautiful plus Maddie & I got to spend some much needed time with Hanna so that definitely made up for the small amount of treasures we found.
My first find of the day was this adorable child's ironing board. Starting tomorrow, my laundry room is getting remodeled, so eventually this will be displayed in there. I can't believe that we built this house in 2007 and are already remodeling. But to keep my sanity, we are starting out with the smallest although most used room in the house. Wonder how that will work?
Maddie has decided that she wants to collect vintage birthday candles after seeing Laurie's collection sitting on her kitchen counter. The tin is one I have been wanting to find for a while because of it's bright graphics. And for some reason, the honeycomb fruit picks called to me. Maybe it was their $2 price tag?
I have been wanting a child's watering can forever, after seeing them on Carol's blog Old Glory Cottage. They are just so dang expensive in my area! This cutie has seen better days but was only $3! I think it's the perfect start to my hopeful collection.
There was one seller who had all of her vintage linens priced like this: Small $2 & Large $3. These tablecloths are in PERFECT condition. I was thrilled to get them for $3 apiece.
I am in love with the design on this one.
I also got this giant pillow cover made out of old dishtowels. I wish she had more!
At the last Plucky show I went to, I bought a tote bag made out of a vintage tablecloth. I'm not sure if I got this one from the same lady or not. I use my other one all the time so I figured it was a good idea to have a backup!
Maddie bought herself this adorable headband made out of vintage tablecloth scraps and an old button. She said she was buying it for research so she could make her own. It looks so cute on her! The best part was the little shopping bags the booth used. They made them out of vintage sheets!
She also bartered on a couple of new books for her collection.
I picked up some vintage sheets for my yet to be determined project.
My amazing Sister snuck away and bought me this sweet little donkey. Want to see the best part?
He's a souvenir donkey from Yellowstone Park!
Hanna also brought me these ornaments and cute old magazine from her thrifting adventures in Astoria.
A while back she picked up the Mississippi & Hawaiian Islands souvenir glasses for me and finally remembered to bring them! I got the Washington & Arizona ones from the same lady I got the tablecloth bag from. It's been a while since I have found any souvenir glasses so I was super excited to come home with 4!
Hanna & I each picked up two of the Swanky Swigs with the tiny red flowers. It's pretty rare that I find some that I don't already have. I only allow myself two of each. What do you think I am, a hoarder? Anyways, I thought I only had one of the red animal one but when I got home, I found out that I actually already had two so this one went home with Sister yesterday.
The pink Fire King mug was a Plucky purchase and the turquoise Pyrex 024 was found at the Goodwill in Troutdale. One thing about Plucky Maidens is that there is hardly ever any Pyrex there. At least Goodwill delivered!
Although it was a small show, I think we managed to pick up some pretty great things. Plus we got to see Laurie of Magpie Ethel fame & got to meet Amy from Into Vintage. It's so fun to meet blog friends!
I'm heading over to link up with:
Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftasaurus
The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Have a great day!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Plucky Prizes and Vegas Anticipation
Happy Tuesday from the Oregon Coast! You know, in the summer the sun usually doesn't break through the clouds until at least noon here in Astoria but today it is already shining, what a great sign! Erica, Maddie, and I had a great time at Plucky Maidens. It was full of laughs and fun finds. I felt like this show had fewer vendors than the last one I attended, but there were still some special treasures.
Erica and I both bought a pair of these swanky swigs, I've never seen this particular pattern before and surprisingly Erica didn't already have them in her collection. My spoiling Sister also bought me these vintage sheets and the very special bird wallet. It took a lot for her to give me the wallet I know, it is something we would both carry.
Here is a close up of the back.
And the front. Thank you Sisterita, I love it so much! I also bought a Led Zeppelin album and a handmade skirt that needs a slip before I can share it with you guys (it's super cute though!) There was one other item at Plucky that I REALLY wanted and that was an orange Samsonite train case. I have a shoulder bag that matched it and have been wanting to collect the entire luggage collection for a while. I asked the dealer how much and she said, "I have a red one." I told her I saw, and asked how much again. "I have a pink one." But what about the orange?!!? "Oh, I really like that one, it's not for sale." You could have just said that!!!! It really bugs me when there are items in booths that are not for sale, at least mark it nfs. Sister tried her again later and once again she wouldn't budge. I guess I will just have to keep looking.
And now for a few Non-Plucky Prizes. The tablecloth was a double that Erica had and gifted to me. The glass I picked up at GW for $0.99 has a mockingbird on it. Apparently there are a few other birds in this set, but this is the first glass like this I've found. I'm unsure of the maker. On Friday while waiting for my husband to pick me up us girls went to Stars Antique Mall in Portland and I finally after searching for so long found reasonably prized Holt Howard Kitties!!!! I've been searching and searching for a pair of these friends ever since I saw them sitting in my Sister's kitchen. I paid $12.50, which I thought was a pretty good deal compared to prices I've seen in the past. It was a very exciting birthday buy for myself!
So today I'm enjoying my last quiet day at home before I start my new job next Monday. I'm so excited to spend a few days with my Sister frolicking in Las Vegas. We have a few other guests coming this time, so that should be great. Please prepare yourselves though, because on Sunday I will be at Erica's receiving my sure to be extravagant birthday gifts (more presents for me? I know it is wild!)
Keep an eye out for a few little Vegas posts along the way also!
Until We Meet Again!
Erica and I both bought a pair of these swanky swigs, I've never seen this particular pattern before and surprisingly Erica didn't already have them in her collection. My spoiling Sister also bought me these vintage sheets and the very special bird wallet. It took a lot for her to give me the wallet I know, it is something we would both carry.
Here is a close up of the back.
And the front. Thank you Sisterita, I love it so much! I also bought a Led Zeppelin album and a handmade skirt that needs a slip before I can share it with you guys (it's super cute though!) There was one other item at Plucky that I REALLY wanted and that was an orange Samsonite train case. I have a shoulder bag that matched it and have been wanting to collect the entire luggage collection for a while. I asked the dealer how much and she said, "I have a red one." I told her I saw, and asked how much again. "I have a pink one." But what about the orange?!!? "Oh, I really like that one, it's not for sale." You could have just said that!!!! It really bugs me when there are items in booths that are not for sale, at least mark it nfs. Sister tried her again later and once again she wouldn't budge. I guess I will just have to keep looking.
And now for a few Non-Plucky Prizes. The tablecloth was a double that Erica had and gifted to me. The glass I picked up at GW for $0.99 has a mockingbird on it. Apparently there are a few other birds in this set, but this is the first glass like this I've found. I'm unsure of the maker. On Friday while waiting for my husband to pick me up us girls went to Stars Antique Mall in Portland and I finally after searching for so long found reasonably prized Holt Howard Kitties!!!! I've been searching and searching for a pair of these friends ever since I saw them sitting in my Sister's kitchen. I paid $12.50, which I thought was a pretty good deal compared to prices I've seen in the past. It was a very exciting birthday buy for myself!
So today I'm enjoying my last quiet day at home before I start my new job next Monday. I'm so excited to spend a few days with my Sister frolicking in Las Vegas. We have a few other guests coming this time, so that should be great. Please prepare yourselves though, because on Sunday I will be at Erica's receiving my sure to be extravagant birthday gifts (more presents for me? I know it is wild!)
Keep an eye out for a few little Vegas posts along the way also!
Until We Meet Again!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
One Quick Stop Before Plucky
Before heading out of town Thursday morning to meet Hanna for Plucky Maidens, Maddie & I made a stop at an estate sale. We haven't been to very many good ones this summer so anytime one sounds even a little bit promising, we try and make an effort to get to it. We were a little rushed but managed to grab some pretty great things.
Maddie got this suitcase to keep her old magazines in for SMASHing. We also brought home another little deer friend for our collection.
Last year at the Plucky Maidens Holiday Show, Maddie picked out a jewelry box that had received a little Magpie Ethel Magic from Laurie. You can see that awesome creation here. Ever since then, she has been on the lookout for another jewelry box so that she can try her hand at decoupaging. I will definitely do a blog post when we get around to doing it. She found the perfect one!
This pottery vase is unmarked and really heavy. I was also happy to find the Betty Crocker New Picture Cookbook since I didn't have it yet.
No way was I leaving this thermos behind, especially with the turquoise lid! I thought I already had the glass embossed measuring cup but I'm glad I bought it because I actually had the smaller version. The ice tray is the first that I have ever found that is a double. I love it!
A couple of weeks ago, I found a California souvenir tablecloth at an estate sale. They were asking $40.00 for it and wouldn't budge on the pricing, even though it was pretty stained up and smelled of nicotine. I really wanted it but for $40, I had to walk away. Well, I was rewarded for my self control with this pristine & perfect beauty.
My favorite find would have to be the Pyrex blue 402. After I got home, I did a little digging in my Pyrex cupboard and found out that it was exactly what I needed to complete my Horizon Blue mixing bowl set!
So after doing a little bit of research, I was able to determine that this set only has three bowls. There is no 404 blue bowl. Does that sound right to all you other Pyrex collectors?
Now, here is the best part of the sale.....when we went up to pay, the Pyrex bowl and Maddie's suitcase didn't have prices on them. Everything else added up to $13. When I told the guy that I owed him $13 plus whatever the suitcase and bowl were, he said to me "How about $10 for it all?". Sold! I love honest to goodness estate sales where the sole purpose is to get rid of stuff and not make a ton of money, don't you?
I'm linking up with:
Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson for SYC Thursday
The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday
The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe
Join me!!
Maddie got this suitcase to keep her old magazines in for SMASHing. We also brought home another little deer friend for our collection.
Last year at the Plucky Maidens Holiday Show, Maddie picked out a jewelry box that had received a little Magpie Ethel Magic from Laurie. You can see that awesome creation here. Ever since then, she has been on the lookout for another jewelry box so that she can try her hand at decoupaging. I will definitely do a blog post when we get around to doing it. She found the perfect one!
This pottery vase is unmarked and really heavy. I was also happy to find the Betty Crocker New Picture Cookbook since I didn't have it yet.
No way was I leaving this thermos behind, especially with the turquoise lid! I thought I already had the glass embossed measuring cup but I'm glad I bought it because I actually had the smaller version. The ice tray is the first that I have ever found that is a double. I love it!
A couple of weeks ago, I found a California souvenir tablecloth at an estate sale. They were asking $40.00 for it and wouldn't budge on the pricing, even though it was pretty stained up and smelled of nicotine. I really wanted it but for $40, I had to walk away. Well, I was rewarded for my self control with this pristine & perfect beauty.
My favorite find would have to be the Pyrex blue 402. After I got home, I did a little digging in my Pyrex cupboard and found out that it was exactly what I needed to complete my Horizon Blue mixing bowl set!
So after doing a little bit of research, I was able to determine that this set only has three bowls. There is no 404 blue bowl. Does that sound right to all you other Pyrex collectors?
Now, here is the best part of the sale.....when we went up to pay, the Pyrex bowl and Maddie's suitcase didn't have prices on them. Everything else added up to $13. When I told the guy that I owed him $13 plus whatever the suitcase and bowl were, he said to me "How about $10 for it all?". Sold! I love honest to goodness estate sales where the sole purpose is to get rid of stuff and not make a ton of money, don't you?
I'm linking up with:
Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson for SYC Thursday
The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday
The Cottage Market for Junkin' Joe
Join me!!
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