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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

An Awesome Start To 2013!

Hi Everyone!

At the beginning of every year, I get the itch to start cleaning out closets, rooms, cabinets, etc..  I am not one of those people who are Spring cleaners.  Why wait?  So I have been making just about daily trips to the Goodwill and/or SVDP by my house to do drop-offs.  My reward for my charitable contributions?  Amazing vintage finds!

So a while back, I pinned this photo to my Hazel Atlas board on Pinterest

Imagine my surprise when I found these along with the Platonite custard cup

Sister says that I am predicting my finds now.  If that is true, I am going to pin every single piece of pink Pyrex I can find!

The little orphan shaker is somewhat creepy and the deer is the fourth one that we have found.  Maddie has quite a little collection of these going now.  The (non vintage) mug in the back is a prize for Sister.  Don't you love it?

Just when I had given up on ever finding even one of these Pyrex Ponderosa mugs, I find three!!

Pretty vintage pottery found at Goodwill on the 50% off table. Yay for me!

I believe that this is a newer piece of Jadeite.  Who cares, though.  It's still super pretty.

We really needed an extra gravy boat at Thanksgiving.  Although Butterfly Gold isn't my favorite pattern, at $1.50 for the set it will work for now!

I hope all of you are having good luck at the thrift stores so far this year!  Evidently, I am not the only one doing a little pre-Spring cleaning.

Linking up over at:

Sir Thrift-A-Lot for Thriftosaurus Thrift Haul 
A Living Space for The Nifty Thrifty

See you there!



  1. such great little finds. I have the little green pitcher myself

  2. I've been donating too but sure haven't found anything like you have!! You find such great things!! Always!!

  3. LOL You are getting right back out there! Great Job! Why not bring more things home if you're going to get rid of some things! lol
    Love those pitchers!
    Erica :)

  4. If charitable donations are awarded with vintage find, I might start loading up my backpack with my boyfriends clothes when I'm heading off to the thrifts by myself. I just donated a few things (a box of cards that aren't vintage are or ugly & vintage), 3 shirts & a book, which is a lot for me.

    I'm got the set of puppy S&P's. I think they're really cute! Lucky Ponderosa mug score, I want one.. but nope! Not yet!

  5. If you'd like to do some "spring cleaning" at my house, you are more than welcome to tackle that! :)
    I have found the Ponderosa mugs before but they are always faded and blah looking. You always find the best of the best Pyrex! And, you're right...who cares if it's newer Jadeite...it's gorgeous! Slap that baby up on the front row!

  6. I'm with Denise ^, you are more than welcome to come hangout at my house for a little while! The puppy shaker is really cute, strange but cute. : ) And the pitchers are so cool looking! I love the colors!

  7. Clairvoiant finds?! Hmmm hunt me up a '57 For Fairlane, and some chalkware bathroom fish and mermaids!

  8. Amazing finds! It's SO rare to find jadeite (new or old) in the thrifts these days, that's quite a score. The Ponderosa mugs are fantastic, too!

  9. I'd have snapped up that Jadeite, new or old!

  10. I love the Ponderosa mugs! Those have been on my wish list too so maybe I shouldn't loose hope yet. Excellent finds!

  11. Cute pitchers - and love the jadeite too - old or new, it's a pretty piece!

  12. I have the green pitcher's sister here. I have looked for other pieces of it, but have never found any. But I didn't know it was Hazel Atlas, so that gives me a better way to search for it online (rather than "small green ribbed pitcher".
