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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lots of Good Junk Lately!

I've been on a junk high these past few weeks.  With the local flea markets in full swing, some trips to some new to me antique shops, as well as a trip up to Junk Bonanza, I've been finding some good quality junk!  Hopefully all these treasures can hold me over for a while because during the fast approaching holidays, things tend to get a little crazy for me and I can't hunt as much as I'd like to.

I can't believe I forgot to show this to you in my last post.  It was my favorite flea market find of the weekend!  This is the most awesome sign and I can't wait to hang it in my kitchen!

Vintage king sheets in bright and happy colors always find their way to my house!

I have a serious blanket addiction.  Especially when they are pink and perfect.

If I was an expert on quilts (which I most definitely am not), I would have to say that this beauty was created then never used.  It is in MINT condition.  

I couldn't resist the beauty either.

Especially when I saw the backing!

I told you I had a blanket addiction!  Ignore the weird glare on the edge.

Some sweet unused activity books with the cutest graphics ever.

Two fun Alan Jay squeaks that I am going to hang up somewhere.

I have some of these Lustroware refrigerator containers in red and yellow and was super happy to find some in pink!

Who can resist a squeaky frog wearing a cowboy hat?  Not me!

I picked these sweet celluloid toys up in the hopes that my lead paint paranoid sister would let Miss Norah play with them.  No dice.

I totally broke Hanna's rule of not buying any Hazel Atlas pink elephants because she likes to get them for me.  But when you find them for $3, you HAVE to buy them!  Sorry, sister.

LOVE old kitchen jars!  I can always find a use for them.

I have a couple of the star glasses in the smaller Swanky Swig size so I was happy to find a larger one.  It goes perfect with the souvenir Washington glass I found the same day.

The sweetest lady ever who I follow on Instagram gave me these Dixie Cups in the original box at Junk Bonanza.  Thank you so much Kristin from Fresh Baked Vintage!

And now, for possibly my favorite find of the year...

Welcome Home Pyrex Diamonds!  I've been coveting you forever and finally found you at a price I could afford.  Eeeeeeeeeek!!! I'm so excited!

Headed to Astoria this weekend to visit my crazy little niece Norah.  I can't wait!  She is growing so fast and has got the funniest personality.  If you don't believe me, just follow Hanna and I on Instagram.  She has taken over our feeds :-)

Heading over to link up with Jann for SYC Thursday, From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday, and Bella Rosa Antiques for Let's Talk Vintage.

Until next time...



  1. Your treasures are FABULOUS!! I am sitting here coveting everything you got! Lucky you!

  2. Oh, my.... You found some wonderful junk. I've NEVER seen pink elephant glasses in person... only in the H-A book. You are sooooo lucky! Love it all!!!

  3. I really love that sign in your first photo. Have a great time in Astoria this weekend!

  4. I could have met you when you were in MN for the Junk Bonanza..nice finds.

  5. SOOOO many great finds! That sign! I love it! If you can - you should scan some of the unused pages of the activity books and put them online so we can all print them out and color them! :)

  6. Junk high indeed. Great stuff. Love that sign! I have a feeling everyone is getting really excited for Norah's first Christmas! Happy Halloween.

  7. LOVE the sign and the quilts!!! Congrats on the diamonds too-what a great find!!!

  8. Norah is at the right age to start her junkin' journey. Of course she really started before she was born! Drooling over the sign and the fantastic linens.

  9. You can never have too many sheets and blankets, especially when they are so cute! Blanket addiction, ha ha. Love the quilts also. Sweet Pyrex find, wowser!


  10. Erica, you are a junkin queen! Love the sign and can't wait to see it in your kitchen. I love the baby toys, jar, and that quilt is absolutely fabulous!! I scored that diamond Pyrex a few years ago and had no idea what I had. I think I told you on IG. Sure do love it! So glad to have you sharing at SYC.

  11. I've also a blanket addiction:) I've almost a hundred of them, and my hubby laughs at me all the time when I buy a new one.

  12. Great finds I love the pink elephant glasses, so cute!

  13. INCREDIBLE find on the elephants, where exactly were those found!?!!?
